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一、Principle of aluminum extrusion
Aluminum extrusion is a plastic processing method of applying external force to the metal billet in the container (extrusion cylinder), so that it flows out of the specific die hole and obtains the desired section shape and size.
二、Composition of aluminum profile extruder
The aluminum extrusion machine consists of a base, a front column frame, an expansion column, an extrusion cylinder, a hydraulic system under electrical control, and a die base, a thimble, a scale plate, a sliding plate, etc.
三、Classification of extrusion methods for aluminium profiles
According to the aluminum extrusion cylinder metal species, stress and strain state, aluminum extrusion direction, smooth state, extrusion temperature, extrusion speed, working mould varieties or structure, the shape of blank or number, product type or number of different, can be divided into positive extrusion method, backward extrusion method, (containing plane strain extrusion, axisymmetric extrusion deformation, General three-dimensional deformation extrusion) lateral extrusion method,
glass smooth extrusion method, hydrostatic extrusion method, continuous extrusion method, etc.
四、Forward thermal deformation extrusion
The vast majority of hot deformation aluminum production enterprises use forward hot deformation extrusion method through a specific die (flat die, cone die, split die) to obtain the required section shape consistent with the aluminum.The forward extrusion process is simple, the equipment requirements are not high, the metal deformation can be high, the production range is wide, the aluminum performance is controllable, the production flexibility is large, and the mold is easy to protect, maintain and modifyDefect is conflict with the aluminum extrusion cylinder appearance, strong extrusion than large energy consumption,the conflict is easy to make within the cylinder ingot heating add profiles of instability,
to promote the efficiency of damage to the finished product, limit the aluminium and aluminium alloy extrusion speed, accelerated wear and service life of the extrusion die,
uneven products before and after the organization performance.